Monday, September 20, 2010


When I was abroad in Australia I was so used to buying groceries in America that when I went to the store in Australia everything was so expensive. Daily necessary items like milk and bread were so out of control expensive that I did not even want to buy them. Going to Australia the America dollar was worth more, but in the end it all equaled out to be more expensive and costly. In America I was used to going to get coffee and getting a large cup but in Australia even a cup of coffee is much smaller and more expensive. I was so American oriented and framed by our society and how things cost that when I went to Australia I was in shock. It was hard to explain to my parents that the cost of living their was much more expensive that they didn't understand why it was more expensive. I told my parents that I was only going to need about 2 thousand dollars in spending so they were primed that was all I was going to need. In the end I spent over 3 thousand dollars and about 2 thousand of that was on food and necessary items. Hopefully when I go to New Zealand next semester that I will be more prepared and not be as framed to the american cultural.

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