Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Joining In or Staying Out"

Being Student Ambassador for our University is a great group but also very selective to who they let in. It is a privilege to be apart of the Student Ambassador because you get to work for the president of the University. You are also a advocate for other students and people look up to you as a leader and as a person who knows a lot about the school. People know we are Student Ambassadors because we wear these high class navy blue blazers that have a big student ambassador logo on the right hand side of the jacket. We stand out in a crowed and people look for us when were at events for the school. Not everyone can be a Student Ambassador. You have to be very comfortable with talking to complete strangers and having a out going personality is very important. We are a very tight group and work hard to look good for the school and having the blazers are a big part of looking the part.

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